1. After preparing dinner, this boyfriend walks out of the kitchen looking like this:
A kitchen scene showing active cooking or meal preparation with pots, pans, and cooking equipment on a stove and countertop
2. The lover made the decision to “assist” his partner in folding socks:
On a yellow surface, two blue socks—one folded neatly, the other tied in a knot
If you can guess which pair the guy folded, I’ll pay you a dollar.
4. In case his spouse “needed a pick-me-up but didn’t want a bunch of ice cream,” this lover kept one mouthful of ice cream in the carton:
An unfilled, somewhat soiled ice cream carton on a rough surface without a cover
5. Rather than using ice in a cooler, this boyfriend thawed raw chicken to use as ice:
Concerns about food safety are highlighted in a text exchange regarding the safety of thawed chicken; one person advises discarding it since it was dripping.
6. By packing their possessions, this boyfriend “assisted” his partner in moving:
A cutting board, scissors, a bottle of mustard, honey, and other culinary utensils are among the different domestic objects in an open box.
7. Rotisserie chicken was the target of this boyfriend’s crime:
On a white platter set on the kitchen counter are pieces of roasted chicken.
8. This guy litters the house with his used dental floss:
A laptop on a table with stickers on the cover that include various tiny patterns
Dental health? Fantastic!
How clean is your home? Not very much.
9. It is clear that this partner is unaware of the “close tab” button:
There are 500 tabs open in a mobile browser. To enhance performance, a message advises deleting 317 tabs that are more than a month old.
10. His partner’s Nintendo Switch was placed in the washing machine by this boyfriend:
Overpatterned bedding with a person clutching a broken tablet
11. Despite being requested to purchase shower rings, this lover chose to use anything else to hang the shower curtain:
A shower curtain with stripes that is carelessly hanging on a rod and partially disconnected on one side
12. This boyfriend consumes pie like a monster: A pecan pie on a glass plate with a fork, a slice cut out to show a gooey filling
13. His groceries are simply thrown into the pantry by this boyfriend:
A jumbled pantry shelf filled with different food containers, boxes, and packages
14. This partner frequently places his white coffee cup on a hardwood table close to wires, remote controls, and lamps in dangerous places. You can see wine bottles on the floor below.
15. This partner insists on using only plastic baggies to preserve leftovers:
On a wooden table, frozen food in a plastic bag that has been sealed
Yes, pasta is what that is.
16. In an attempt to find his wallet, this guy flipped his partner’s entire living room:
The living room is a cluttered and disorganized sight with overturned couches, pillows, toys, and papers all over the place.
Don’t worry, though; he soon located his wallet.
17. This lover picked the freezer as the place to keep his glass bottles:
Dark liquid from broken glass bottles leaked into a white container.
18. Despite being specifically instructed not to, this boyfriend turned his partner’s brand-new notepad into a coaster:
A closed hardback book on a white background with a circular water stain on the front cover
19. According to this guy, his car’s passenger side resembles a garbage can:
A person sitting in a car with several bottles on the ground. They have on black-and-white sneakers and torn jeans. There is a glimpse of a black bag.
20. This lover keeps his butter right on the shelf of the refrigerator:
A little block of butter on a shelf in an open refrigerator with several bottles surrounding it
I’m shocked that it’s not food poisoning.
21. Because they still have one squirt left in them, this lover gathers a cemetery of shampoos:
In a shower corner are four empty Caress body wash bottles with labels featuring floral designs.
22. According to this lover, these dishes are “clean”:
Along with plates and other kitchenware, there are two greasy, old frying pans on a kitchen counter.
23. It was instructed that this guy store his jeans in the closet:
A variety of casual shirts are hanging in the closet, and a pair of pants is thrown over them.
24. This guy pledged to taste his partner’s apple just once:
A person in a relaxed interior environment is holding a partially eaten apple with the core visible.
25. I’m not really sure how to describe this boyfriend: